In the early 1990s Eve Ensler, now known as V, started collecting interviews with women about their experiences of being women. The result was the episodic play The Vagina Monologues. On Wednesday February 14th 11 local women will perform the 10 monologues, under the direction of Natalie Haines.
A driving force behind the Vagina Monologues has been to increase awareness and end violence committed against women's bodies, and to provide resources for women in need. Natalie is taking a local approach to this. Grand Junction based non-profit Hilltop Latimer House, in addition to Paonia based DC Cares and the Learning Council will be present and have resource materials available at the event. In Addition, local Artists will be selling merchandise during the intermission AND in the age-old tradition of celebrating our bodies, Paonia Zumba will perform.
The Vagina Monologues will be performed at the Paradise Theater in Paonia on Wednesday February 14th, doors open at 6:30, show begins at 7. Tickets and information can be found here.