The Pen and The Sword

The Pen and The Sword: Ben Bentele

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Poet Ben Bentele joins Taya Jae on The Pen and The Sword to discuss his recent Poem, Driggs?, published by Writing the Land in their most recent edition, Currents. Ben talks about the integrity of Persian translation and shares poems from his self-published books, A Tender Rook and In Rough Ashlar: Four Modern Persian Poets Worked Into English.

Ben's books are available for check-out at the Delta County Libraries or through interlibrary loan for listeners out side the North Fork Valley.

The first time Taya was on the radio was a KVNF pledge drive promo recorded in 1998, she was 5. It went something like this, “I like KVNF because it’s fun to listen to music” she goes on to say, “music is like a dream”.