Mars used to be much warmer and wetter than it is today. Scientists are unraveling the mystery of why it dried out.
This week on Local Motion, we explore learning English as a second language. First, we'll hear from University of Colorado, Boulder linguist Maria…
Late-night coffee, tea or cola does more than keep you up, scientists say. The amount of caffeine in a double espresso can delay the internal clock in cells throughout your body by about 40 minutes.
The state of Colorado is having a pot holiday, well sort of, on Wednesday, Sept. 16. It's lifting the 10 percent sales tax people pay on recreational…
As anyone who's ever taken a foreign language class knows, it’s hard to learn another language. For immigrants to this country, that challenge can affect…
The latest photos show ice plains that appear to be only 100 million years old and a hilly region that could be what is left when surrounding material is eroded away.
Bullying is still an ongoing issue and telling kids to be nice to each other isn't always enough. That's why educators are getting creative. In Colorado,…
A new analysis of particles believed to be from the bottom of oceans inside Enceladus suggests the moon is toasty warm.
Moving the American Gut Project to a biotech hub like San Diego may speed the jump from basic research to real treatments. At least that's microbe tracker Rob Knight's plan.
Inside the lab, a lone technician sorts through new samples, snipping off swab heads intentionally fouled with fecal material. One head goes to cold storage and the other is processed for sequencing.