Peterson Hearing Results Postponed Until March 10

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Jake Ryan

Tuesday the Board of Trustees for the town of Paonia held a hearing, a trial of sorts, for Barbara Peterson, the town clerk that was dismissed last December.

The reason there’s a special hearing is that a Colorado statute states an appointed official must have written charges brought against them and a hearing.  That didn’t happen when Peterson was let go back in December, so the town had a special meeting last month to set a hearing date for Peterson, and retroactively put her on paid administrative leave. 

At the hearing, Town Manager Jane Berry brought up issues of Peterson’s work performance and the alleged misuse of state funds, as well as emphasizing the town’s financial state.  She said that a state grant that was used so Peterson could get her master’s degree was spent on things not allowed by the grant.  Berry alleged that over $23,000 of state funding was inappropriately used for Peterson’s personal vehicle, gas money and rent.  Berry was first to testify. 

“Have you seen any written agreement or public vote that took place by the town board," asked Berry’s council, "that indicated that the town would reimburse, separate and apart from whatever DOLA  (Department of Local Affairs) reimbursed, Ms. Peterson for things like her tuition, her lodging, her gas expenses," questioned Berry. 

“After an exhaustive search, I myself have found no such records to exist,” said Berry.  

Her testimony focused on how broke the town was, and still is, and reimbursements to Peterson from the state grant. 

During Peterson’s testimony, she said she had approval by the Department of Local Affairs for those expenses and a stipend, but those arrangements were verbal, she had nothing in writing.  Plus, those items had been approved by the town.  Also, none of the DOLA issues, the biggest charge against her in this hearing, were even looked into until weeks after Peterson was dismissed. 

Interestingly, Peterson was asked by her council if she loved her job. She said she did. He asked if she would want to be reinstated.  She said no.

“I would find it difficult to work for a board that has actively tried to disparage and terminate me from my employment,” said Peterson. 

The hearing was well attended, with standing room only on some occasions.  Several people in attendance were there to support Peterson, like Elaine Brett.

“I think it’s a witch hunt,” said Brett, “at the time [the reimbursements] were being administered, the fault may be that somebody on the council or somebody on the committee wasn’t as rigorous as this council is demanding, but I believe that everybody was behind it."

"Barb believed she was doing the right things and the oversight was there.  You can’t spend money without the approvals.  If somebody’s going to try and swindle something, they’re not going to keep the receipts,” said Brett.

The board of trustees acted as the juror in this hearing, but didn’t come to a decision.  They’re planning on revealing whether or not to retain Peterson next Tuesday.

Peterson has also given the town of Paonia a letter notifying them of her intent to sue over the dismissal.

Editor's Note:  The original broadcast of this news story incorrectly stated that the board of trustees will reveal their decision "whether or not to retain Berry next Tuesday."  Town Manager Jane Berry's employment is not being considered.  It should have read "whether or not to retain Peterson next Tuesday."  We apologize for any confusion. 

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