Rain & Shine: Feed The Birds

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Calla Rose Ostrander

In mid September 2020 the biggest cold snap in the history of the western united states occurred in southwest Colorado. Just a few weeks earlier raging wildfires in California and Oregon forced the early migration of thousands of songbirds. Stressed from early migration, underfed and experiencing the sudden cold, thousands of birds died and many many more panicked. 

Increasing pressures from climate change like wildfires, droughts and extreme storms are causing birds and other animals to migrate suddenly and without proper preparation. The Audubon Society of America recommends providing food, water and shelter for migrating birds. You can look up food appropriate for birds in your area in the resource listed below. Stressed birds will take risks and behave oddly making them more prone to being killed by house cats. To help give birds a heads up you can fit your cat with a colorful collar that make them more visible. 

There are many factors that have led to the severity of wildfires, but the fires we see happening today are the result of longer, hotter droughts caused by climate change. Climate change doesn't just mean warmer temperatures; it is warmer temperatures and the weirding of the whole global climate system. The Colorado cold snap was linked to a climate change disruption, irregular oscillations in the jet stream.


Find Appropriate Feed for Birds in Your Area

Birdsbesafe Collar

Birds are Dying in Dramatic Numbers In Southwest Colorado

Audubon Mega Fires and Birds

The Jet Stream is Bringing Fire Weather to the West


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Kori Stanton is an award-winning film and radio producer, photographer, lavender farmer, and lover of music discovery. As the daughter of KVNF's founder, Kori has a deep understanding and passion for community radio. Kori produces the weekly podcast 'Rain & Shine' as well as hosts and produces 'Crisis to Comeback.' When she's not producing or farming you can find her DJing as Koko Love.
Calla Rose was born in Tucson AZ and grew up in the Rocky Mountain West. She attended Shining Mountain Waldorf school in Boulder Colorado K-12 and graduated with a degree in International Political Economy on a classical cello scholarship, from the University of Puget Sound. After spending some time in California she is happily back in Colorado and living in Paonia.