Journalist and documentary filmmaker Jordan Campbell, after extensive coverage of the conflict in Ukraine, is slated to share his frontline perspective and insights in an upcoming presentation. Campbell's documentary, "Ukraine Under Fire," still in production and slated for release in 2024, follows the stories of individuals committed to Ukraine's resistance against Russia's invasion.
The presentation will feature images and videos from the film production, shedding light on the humanitarian crisis and the experiences of Ukrainians facing war. The event is a fundraiser for the documentary and is hosted by the Sherbino Performing Arts Theater in partnership with Ridgway Spirit Fest.
The coordinated election is November 7. Our region’s ballot this year is light on items, with just two propositions up for a vote. However, one of those propositions, Prop HH, has a dozen pages explaining and analyzing the property tax measure. A recent discussion with Janine Reid, chair of the League of Women Voters of the Uncompahgre Valley, provided more insight into this ballot measure.
Colorado voters will decide next month on Proposition HH. The ballot measure would reduce property valuation rates over the next decade and allow property owners to exempt part of their property’s value from taxation. State Senator Chris Hansen is one of the bill’s sponsors. He says by helping property owners, renters will also benefit. Stay tuned to next week’s Local Motion for my full conversation with Janine Reid on Propositions HH and II. The League of Women Voters is hosting an hour-long ballot forum on these issues tonight at 5:30 p.m. at the Ridgway Library.