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KVNF is listener-supported community radio. Your support keeps our sound flowing over the airwaves, allowing us to bring you the best in music, local, regional and national news, and informational programming.

When you become a member, you not only help to keep KVNF on the air, you also get:

  • Voting privileges at KVNF’s annual meeting (where volunteer board members are elected)
  • Opportunities to learn broadcasting arts and become a DJ
  • Use of KVNF’s Community Room, the Talmage Lounge
  • The opportunity to be elected to the Board of Directors
  • Peace of mind, knowing that you are doing your part to maintain a spectrum of airwaves that are COMMUNITY owned!

There are many other ways you can contribute to KVNF. If you would like to volunteer, give us a call at 970-527-4866 during business hours and talk to a staff member. Here are some of the categories of volunteer opportunities at KVNF:

Be a DJ
Take the DJ training and join over 60 volunteer DJs

Serve on the Board of Directors or Community Advisory Board

Donate your vehicle
Donate your car, truck, motorcycle, RV, or boat to KVNF through CARS

Becoming an underwriter
Businesses and Non-profits - you can share a message of support on the radio.

Volunteer in the Music Library, assist with mailings, host the KVNF booth at outreach events (call 970-527-4866 and let us know your interested)

Learn about more ways to give to KVNF
Get information on giving stocks and planned giving