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KVNF updates their music library every week spanning every genre. Here, you can dive into KVNF's latest music additions and check out KVNF's album pick of the week.

KVNF is seeking Spanish-speaking DJs

KVNF está buscando hispanohablantes para presentar nuestro programa semanal de música en español. Buscamos personas que quieran aprender nuevas habilidades de audio, compartir música latina con los oyentes de KVNF e interactuar con las comunidades a las que servimos. No es necesaria experiencia. ¡Te entrenaremos!

Si está interesado, comuníquese con Andrea Castillo al 970-527-4866 o andrea@kvnf.org.

La Nueva se transmite todos los lunes por la noche de 7 a 10 p. m.

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KVNF is seeking Spanish-speakers to host our weekly Spanish music program. We are looking for individuals who want to learn new audio skills, share Latin music with KVNF listeners and engage with the communities we serve. No experience is necessary. We'll train you!

If you are interested, please contact Andrea Castillo at 970-527-4866 or andrea@kvnf.org.

La Nueva airs every Monday evening from 7 - 10 p.m.


Andrea "Dre" Castillo serves as KVNF's Music Director & DJ Coordinator. You can catch her on the airwaves for Off the Wall once a month.