FEATURE: Private wells that many coloradans rely on are not regulated by the Colorado Department of Health and Environment. But CDPHE is taking steps to keep coloradans safe from naturally occurring contaminants.
TOP STORY: Delta County Commissioners passed a resolution changing the speed limit on G-50 road and portions of SawMill Mesa Road during the November 6th meeting. Commissioners have been in discussion with the Delta County Sheriff’s Office as well as the Road and Bridge Department on safety issues.
ELECTION NEWS: Colorado Democrats say they’ve secured a majority in the State House. In a press release, Speaker Julie McCluskie said Colorado voters “elected an overwhelming Democratic majority to the House in similar numbers to what the party won in 2018 and 2020 when they secured the largest Democratic majority since FDR.” While Democrats will retain a majority in the House, in our region Republican Larry Don Suckla defeated Democrat Kathleen Curry and Rep. Matt Soper, a Republican from Delta will retain his seat running unopposed.