FEATURE: Last weekend the Rocky Mountain Sled Dog Club held the "Grand Mesa Summit Challenge", at the Mesa Top Trailhead on the Grand Mesa. KVNF's Brody Wilson brings you along to the event.
LOCAL NEWS: Colorado District 54 House Rep. Matt Soper (R-Delta) was selected by his peers to serve as the vice chairman for the House Committee on Legal Services, reports the Grand Junction Daily Sentinel. The Committee on Legal Services serves as the legislative oversight committee for the Colorado General Assembly Office of Legislative Legal Services. The committee oversees the review of executive branch agency rules among other duties. Soper was a unanimous vice chair pick by other committee members.
Delta Health hospital recently made a change to its Emergency Department Management team, reports the Delta County Independent. According to reporting, the rural hospital is moving away from Grand Mesa Emergency Physicians to Integrative Emergency Services. Delta Health CEO Jonathan Cohee said the reason behind the change comes down to administrative oversight, something Grand Mesa Emergency Physicians was not able to provide. More on this story is available at deltacountyindependent.com
A Montrose woman was arrested Saturday on allegations that she tried to force another woman into her vehicle, reports the Montrose Daily Press. According to reporting, Luz Ramirez Mon-real initially refused to come out of her home for the police when contacted. The suspect was detained on allegations of attempted second-degree kidnapping, vehicular eluding, harassment and other charges. Bond was set at $5,000 cash-only, according to court records.
Twelve state parks across Colorado are slated to work with DarkSky Colorado to reduce light pollution and protect Colorado’s night skies.. The program, announced by Gov. Jared Polis and Colorado Parks and Wildlife will include 20 hours of free consulting from DarkSky Colorado in an effort to receive International Dark Sky Place certification.
The new pedestrian bridge for the Miner’s Trail project will be set in Hotchkiss on Monday, February 3rd according to a press release from Delta County. This milestone marks a significant step in realizing a dream that has been part of the community’s vision for nearly 40 years. The North Fork Miners Trail project will provide a safer, more direct route between Downtown Hotchkiss/Fairgrounds, the North Fork High School, Nature Connection, and the Pool and Recreation District.