As the Worm Turns, hosted by Jill Spears, features conversation with local gardeners Lance Swigart and Lulu Volckhausen, and live calls from interested listener/gardeners.
Lance Swigart lives nine miles outside of Hotchkiss. He grows 90 percent of his food and harvests 100 percent of his seeds from a garden located above 6,000 feet elevation. He has been building his incredibly beautiful garden space for the last 25 years, and is a wealth of information about all kinds of gardening, from grains to beans to fruits and vegetables, even nuts.
Lulu Volckhausen lives in Paonia and is well known for her beautiful yard and garden spaces.
To ask your gardening question on the show, call 527-4868 or 1-866-KVNF-NOW during the program on Tuesday evening, or email anytime to
KVNF's weekly call-in gardening show.