TOP LOCAL STORIES: The Montrose County School Board board voted 4-3 to deny Montrose Classical Academy’s bid for a charter school, reports the Montrose Daily Press. School board members had the option to approve, deny, or approve the charter application with conditions. Among the concerns were the lack of a physical facility and questions about the charter’s ability to serve students with special needs. They also expressed concerns about the charter’s claims of innovation and of its proposed curriculum in general. Kay Alexander, president of the MCA board, said “her team’s efforts (to get the school running) will continue."
In more education news, Delta County’s policy committee continues to grapple with parents' and students' rights regarding gender name changes in accordance with HB 24-1039. The latest discussion centered on the rights of teachers, who for religious reasons, oppose addressing students by chosen names reflecting their gender identity.
School board members Beth Suppes and Jennifer McGavin expressed opposing opinions. Suppes said she received calls from teachers, who were afraid of ramifications if they mistakenly called a child by his or her given name and she's also had calls from teachers not comfortable with addressing a child by new gender names due to religious convictions. McGavin says the district needs to follow the law, which says that the district shall not waive a child's right to be called by a preferred gender name.
Delta County School District Human Resources Director and Attorney pledged to tweak the policy created during the meeting and bring a finalized version to the Jan. 9 policy committee meeting. The third reading of that policy will come before the school board at the Jan. 30 for possible adoption. You can find this story at
Rocky Mountain Community Radio’s Caroline Llanes shares how communities in our region are working to make energy efficient buildings.