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Mary Hockenberry

  • Town councils not only represent citizens, they have significant influence in shaping the direction of municipalities. Board of trustees elections are coming up on April 5th in towns within KVNF’s listening area, including Paonia, Hotchkiss, Crawford, Cedaredge, and Norwood. Kate Redmond reports. Plus, as the Biden Administration speeds up the transition away from fossil fuels to combat climate change, many battles between conservationists and business interests are being waged over federal lands. For our Rocky Mountain Community Radio collaboration, Will Walkey reports from KHOL in Wyoming, where millions of acres and thousands of livelihoods are at stake.
  • Town councils not only represent citizens, they have significant influence in shaping the direction of municipalities. Board of trustees elections are coming up on April 5th in towns within KVNF’s listening area, including Paonia, Hotchkiss, Crawford, Cedaredge, and Norwood. Kate Redmond reports. Plus, as the Biden Administration speeds up the transition away from fossil fuels to combat climate change, many battles between conservationists and business interests are being waged over federal lands. For our Rocky Mountain Community Radio collaboration, Will Walkey reports from KHOL in Wyoming, where millions of acres and thousands of livelihoods are at stake.
  • Majority of Colorado students attend school under local mask mandates, but not in Montrose, Delta, or Mesa County22 schools in Mesa County have active…
  • Cedaredge Trustees refine application process for marijuana shopsCDOT unveils new Bustang route from Telluride to Grand JunctionAvalanche claims 3 lives…
  • A small group of people recently gathered outside on a sunny afternoon to look at a new mural on the west side of the Church of Art in Hotchkiss. "It's so…