The Delta High School renovation project is in full swing, reports the Delta County Independent. Work to create security entrances and update wrestling and locker rooms is being funded by a $27.7 million bond passed in November 2022.
The Denver Post is reporting that Colorado Ranchers are preparing for more wolf attacks as state officials investigate the killings of 18 calves south of Meeker.Grand Junction Police have made an arrest in the Sunday morning shooting at the Fishing Hole on North Avenue. Officers arrested 18-year-old Aaron Frost, of Grand Junction. Delta County has received a $100,000 dollar grant for wildland fire fuels mitigation. A new law is expected to cut the federal deficit by 237 billion dollars and help seniors with prescription drugs.
Many ranchers in the West see wolves as a threat to their livestock, and livelihood. But one ranch family was inspired by wolves to rethink the way they manage their land. Ashley Ahearn saddled up for the Mountain West News Bureau to tell their story, and open a three-part series on women ranchers. Plus, we hear a clip of Rain & Shine from Calla Rose Ostrander about the iconic sandhill crane.
Many ranchers in the West see wolves as a threat to their livestock, and livelihood. But one ranch family was inspired by wolves to rethink the way they manage their land. Ashley Ahearn saddled up for the Mountain West News Bureau to tell their story, and open a three-part series on women ranchers. Plus, we hear a clip of Rain & Shine from Calla Rose Ostrander about the iconic sandhill crane.
Despite rains, extreme drought persists; Paonia, Crawford and Hotchkiss still under water restrictionsTown of Paonia comments on Delta County draft land…
Firefighters are finally gaining ground on area wildfiresThe Pioneer Town Museum in Cedaredge hosts Sunday Farmer's MarketsDelta County Democrats…
New LGBTQ legislation ends patchwork of lawsPeaceful protesters face harassment, violenceUpdate on wolves recently seen in Colorado
Lawmakers voting to reschedule local, county elections due to coronavirusLarge private company to close doors in Grand Junction, hundreds of jobs…
Capitol Coverage: two Democratic state lawmakers will not run for re-electionState legislative session opens Wednesday, Western Slope lawmakers…
In the Southwestern United States, thing seem to be looking up for a population of Mexican wolves. After years of struggle, their population has…